Call me Jimmy
Photo: By Tommy Humphreys, Nov 2, 2010 ( Source ) When I was 18, the executive who oversaw the mailroom I worked in told me to scrap the name “Tommy” for “Tom” or “Thomas.” Tom, he insisted, sounded more professional, more appropriate to the business world. Although I had always been called Tommy, his comment made me wonder if a change was needed. After all, he was older, and an executive. I was still confused about it a week later when my family and I were discussing it over a meal at Carmelo’s, in West Vancouver. My mom thought I should stick with Tommy. Of course, having named me, she was biased. She cited some prominent businessmen who’d kept their nicknames. I wasn't convinced until she said, "What about Jimmy Pattison?" At that moment, I happened to look to my right. The 75-year-old billionaire was having dinner just a few feet away. "Shush, Mom, he's right there!" I said, incredulous. I'd admired Pattison most of my you...